Assessment Services

ADHD Diagnostic Assessment

Comprehensive, individualized evaluations for children (ages 6+), adolescents and adults are recommended in order to obtain the most accurate understanding of functioning. Dr. Martin will administer gold standard evidence-based measures designed to assess domains including:

  • intellectual functioning

  • academic achievement

  • language skills

  • memory

  • executive functioning

    • Evaluations also include information gathered in clinical interviews, caregiver and/or teacher rating scales and behavior observations. Information is summarized in a written report along with diagnoses and recommendations for treatment and relevant accommodations.

    • Dr. Martin will meet with you to provide testing feedback, answer questions, and discuss tools and interventions so you leave the assessment process feeling confident in how to support and advocate for your child or yourself. 

The assessment may include looking at the following domains:

∎ Academic Achievement ∎ Adaptive Behaviors ∎ Attention ∎ Executive Functioning ∎ Intellectual Abilities ∎ Memory ∎ Physical and Mental Health ∎ Gifted/Twice Exceptional ∎ Personality ∎ Expressive & Receptive ∎ Language ∎ Visual-spatial/Visual Perceptual Skills

Child/Adolescent Evaluations and Adult Evaluations

The process for evaluations from start to finish will take an average of 6-8 hours over 3 appointments (intake appointment, test administration appointment, & results and feedback appointment.


Dr. Martin offers a 4-session package to provide individualized support following an ADHD diagnosis. Sessions would include the client and parents (if the client is a minor). Therapy topics may include establishing support at school, and work, creating systems at home for improved functioning, increasing emotional control, goal setting, parenting to increase desired behaviors, etc.

4-session package $800

1-hour session $220

ADHD Management Package

When there is a need to assess for intellectual giftedness (in the absence of any concerns about learning difficulties or social/emotional/behavioral difficulties),  Dr. Martin offers an evaluation that includes an initial interview to gather relevant background information, the administration and scoring of the IQ test (and other tests as needed), a brief feedback session, and a brief written report. If clients are requesting this testing for school placement, it is important that they can discuss with  Dr. Martin the specific requirements for the school(s) involved. There may be other reasons for clients to request IQ testing, and each referral will be evaluated individually to determine if this kind of testing is appropriate. This evaluation is billed at an hourly rate.


IQ Testing and Giftedness Evaluations

Record Review and/or Consultation

For clients who have concerns but are not certain of what type of evaluation they might need, a record review/consultation with Dr. Marla Martin may be appropriate. This may be the case, for example, when clients have had testing previously and are not sure if/when an update might be important, or when there has been recent testing, but the feedback was unclear and/or concerns remain. If the consultation results in a recommendation for a more in-depth evaluation, time for gathering additional information and/or testing appointments would be scheduled at that point. Dr. Martin will make a specific action plan with the client before the conclusion of the consultation appointment.

Consultation appointments are billed at our hourly rate of $220/hour. There is no charge for Dr. Martin to review previous testing beforehand (unless there are a very large number of documents involved). Additional services, including scoring behavioral measures and generating any written report or documentation, will also be billed at our hourly rate.


Clarification/Update Evaluations

Dr. Martin also provides Clarification/Update evaluations. These evaluations are for clients who have been previously tested and have a need for a more current analysis of functioning or have a need for an updated understanding of specific strengths and weaknesses to assist in accommodations.  A Clarification/Update Evaluation is estimated to take an average of 4-6 hours.
