Private Pay

  • ADHD Assessment

    ADHD Testing for individuals (Ages 6+) who are having academic, social, or work difficulties that are negatively affecting functioning. Looma offers personalized testing at a competitive price. Assessment Process Takes 6-8 hours.


  • Diagnosis Clarification

    Clarify diagnosis in order to rule out other disorders that may or may not be impacting the client.

    Records Review


  • ADHD Management

    Dr. Martin offers a 4-session package to provide individualized support following an ADHD diagnosis. Sessions would include the client and parents (if the client is a minor). Therapy topics may include establishing support at school and/or work, creating systems at home for improved functioning, increasing emotional control, goal setting, parenting empowerment to increase desired behaviors, etc. (sessions are one hour)

    $800/4-session package

  • Sports Psychology

    55 minutes sessions. Frequency determined by Dr. Martin and the client.


  • Psychotherapy

    55 minute sessions. Frequency determined by Dr. Martin and the client.


  • IQ Testing and Giftedness Evaluations

    When there is a need to assess for intellectual giftedness, Dr. Martin offers an evaluation that includes initial interview, IQ and other tests as needed, and a comprehensive feedback session, including written report. Families will leave with individualized recommendations, referrals, and an action plan for next steps. This evaluation is billed at an hourly rate.
